cool tapes i find and cassette related equipment.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

gut nose tape

this is a pretty amazing tape. the packaging alone is an extravaganza of sorts. but the music inside is the real treasure.
eat biskit is a great listen. i think the OP-1 synth and the OTO Biscuit were the main instruments herein.  the sound is gnarly and lo-fi with lots of different textures and things folding back in on themselves. warped beats, distortion, sci-fi, sample madness. really one of the coolest things i've heard in a long time. i have 17 out of 50 total.
i played this for a couple friends and they thought it was great too.
i still can't figure out how it's possible that i hear folks whine about music. it's just getting better and better. it's a great time to be a music freak that's for sure.